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요한묵시록 아람어 버젼20

REVELATION*CHAPTER 1 REVELATION* TO JOHN THE APOSTLE REVELATION CHAPTER 1 1. The Revelation of Eashoa Msheekha, that which Allaha gave to show his servants* those things that were [divinely] destined to occur quickly and he conveyed them as he sent* through his angel his servant John 2. Who testified to the Manifestation of Allaha, and the testimony of Eashoa Msheekha, everything that he saw. 3. Blessed is the one w.. 2023. 3. 10.
ARAMAIC REVELATION CHAPTER 2 ARAMAIC REVELATION CHAPTER 2 1. To the angel of the church of Ephesus, write. These are [the things] the One and Only* says, (and) to the seven stars in his right [hand,] he who maintains* the balance* of the seven menorahs gold 2. I know of your works, and your labor and your hope*, and that you cannot bear evil-doers, and you counsel those who say of them that [the evil-doers] came as apostles.. 2023. 3. 10.
REVELATION CHAPTER 3 REVELATION CHAPTER 3 1. And to the angel of the church of Sardis, write: These are [the things] that says He who has the Seven Spirits of Allaha, and those seven stars: I know about your works, that you have [made] a name [for yourself] that you are alive, and you were dead. 2. Hold the vigil and guide those others who were going* to die. I have not found such* fulfilled* services before my Alla.. 2023. 3. 10.
Revelation chapter4 아람어 요한묵시록4장(원문/한글) Revelation chapter4 1. After I saw these [things,] (and) behold, an open door in heaven 2.and the first voice that I heard speaking like a trumpet to me, saying to me, “Ascend [up] to here and I will show you [the things] that I have sanctified to occur after these [things.] ” At once I was born * in the Spirit,and behold, the throne * was consecrated in heaven and on the throne he sat. 3. And h.. 2023. 3. 10.
Revelation chapter 6아람어요한묵시록6장(원문/한글) Revelation chapter 6아람어요한묵시록6장 1. And I saw as the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four life forms saying in a voice like thunder,“Come and see.” 2. And I looked and there appeared a white filly, * and the one riding on it has a bow, and a wreath was given him, and he emerged * to conquer wherever he may conquer. 3. And as he * opened the second seal, I heard the secon.. 2023. 3. 10.
Revelation chapter 7/아람어요한묵시록7장(원문/한글) Revelation chapter 7/아람어요한묵시록7장(원문/한글)\ Revelation chapter 7 1. And after that I saw four angels that stood at the four corners of the earth and [they were] holding the four spirits* of the earth, so that no spirit* could be found* on the earth and none over the sea or over the trees. 2. And I saw another angel, and he ascended from the east of the sun,* who has the seal of the living Allaha, an.. 2023. 3. 10.
REVELATION CHAPTER 8/아람어요한묵시록8장(원문/한글) REVELATION CHAPTER 8 1. And as he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. 2. And I saw the seven angels who stood before Allaha, and they were given seven trumpets. 3. And another angel came and stood over the altar, and he had a golden vessel* and he was given a great deal of incense, so that he may offer it in the prayers of all the saints over the golden a.. 2023. 3. 10.
Aramaic Revelation chapter 10 Aramaic Revelation chapter 10 1. And I saw a powerful angel that came down from heaven who was granted* a cloud, and a cloud halo* over his head, and his face* [was] like the sun and his legs like pillars of fire. 2. And he has in his hand a little opened book, and *he set his right leg over the sea, but the left on the earth. 4. And as the seven thunders spoke, I prepared to write, and I heard .. 2023. 3. 10.
Revelation chapter 11 Revelation chapter 11 1. And I was given a [measuring] reed that resembled a staff, and [there] stood the angel as he said, “Rise and measure* the temple of Allaha, and the altar and to those that worship in it. 2. “And the courtyard that is outside the temple, leave it out,* and do not measure it, for it is given to the nations, and the holy city, they shall trample [it down] forty-two months.*.. 2023. 3. 10.